Before I start, for those of you who don't know what DOMA is, DOMA The Defense of Marriage Act that was put into place September 21, 1996. It is a United States federal law that allows states to refuse to recognize same sex marriages performed under the laws of other states. It also effected same-sex married couples from being recognized as 'spouses', even or receiving federal marriage benefits.
A few days ago DOMA was deemed unconstitutional by the supreme court and is now no longer in effect. The reactions to this are both negative and positive, more negative then positive. I believe that the supreme court made the right decision on taking the law out because who are we to judge others on who they are or what they do with their life; love is love no matter whether it be with a male or a female. Just because a girl may like a girl or a boy may like a boy, doesn't make it any wrong than a male liking a female or a female liking a male.
We are taught in school and in our life overall since a young age to never judge someone because we don't know their story or have lived their life or think the way they do. Now all most people do is judge based on someone's sexual orientation, that just isn't right what if it was wrong to be straight and being gay was the norm? What would you do then?
Take a look at this video I found on "What if Gay was Straight and Straight was Gay" it may open your eyes on a different perspective.
Never judge someone because of what sex they choose to love. Love is Love. We all have the right to Love whoever we choose whether it be male or female.
As 1 Thessalonians 4:9 says "But as touching brotherly love ye need not that I write unto you: for ye yourselves are taught of God to love one another.
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