Last night I
had yet another breakdown out of nowhere. I felt fine throughout the day and
then it all of a sudden just hit me. At that point I had never felt so alone,
as if I was completely alone. At that point, I just wanted to be held and be
told that everything is going to be okay. When you start to like a guy that
does not even go to your school, remember what that also comes with. It comes
with hardly any talking throughout the day, hardly ever seeing each other, and
hardly any time to fit your schedules together. It also comes with a lot of
lonely nights where you may feel as though he doesn’t care, and though it may
feel like that, you do not know what is going through his head and he may be
feeling the same way too. Having two completely different schedules and
responsibilities can be tough because you can become unsure if he actually likes
you or not. It is also tough because sometimes it feels as though he isn’t making
enough time for you…no need to get needy, it isn’t attractive…anyways that
doesn’t mean that he doesn’t want to come see you but his priorities have to come
first just like yours do. There are times where he is going through something
tough and you have no idea how to help him out without physically being there
and feel as though you aren’t good enough to make him feel better, well a loss
is pretty tough and sometimes you just have to let them cope with it on their own
and when they are ready to talk make sure you are there to listen 100%; make
sure he knows that you are always there for him whenever he needs you.
Some things
just take time and when you are in this type of situation with liking a person
who you don’t see every day it calls for having a little patience with him and
not always stressing about if he likes you enough or if he even cares. He does,
it is hard to show it through the phone, but that doesn’t mean that he doesn’t.
Sometimes when you are used to getting all the attention from a guy that you
see every day to not getting as much attention because the he has priorities is
a little bit of a hard transition, but it isn’t impossible. Not seeing a person
everyday doesn’t mean it has to be hard, just have to work with the
communication that you have with him and cherish what you have.
I just really hope
that I am right about this and that he still does like and care about me like
he says he does…and that I will see him soon.
-Christina V. Roman